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Create your own Frog Pond

Create a Frog-Friendly Oasis in Your Garden with an Old Bathtub

Have you ever considered that an old bathtub can play a pivotal role in enhancing the biodiversity of your garden? It can, indeed, be transformed into a habitat for frogs! The process is simple and sustainable and adds charm to your green space. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you turn a discarded bathtub into a thriving frog pond.


Step 1: Choose Your Spot and Set the Tub

Location is paramount for your new frog pond. A partially shaded spot, safe from extreme temperatures yet within easy reach of rainwater, would be ideal. Once you’ve chosen the perfect location, position your bathtub, ensuring it sits stably on the ground.


Step 2: Plug and Prep

Ensure that the drainage hole is firmly plugged to make your bathtub water-retentive. After securing the drain, fill the tub with a layer of sand. This provides a base layer replicating a natural pond environment, making it more inviting for future amphibious guests.


Step 3: Plant Up

Here’s where you get to flex your green thumb. Choose a variety of water plants to populate your pond. These will oxygenate the water naturally and provide shelter and breeding grounds for the frogs. Consider a mix of submerged, floating, and emergent plants to mimic a natural pond ecosystem. We have brahmi (Bacopa monnieri, also known as Indian pennywort or water hyssop)  in our frog pond as well as some inedible plants for oxygenation. Most water plants sold in nurseries are suitable water oxygenators for a frog pond.


In our wetlands, we grow other edible plants such as water celery, nardoo and lebanese cress, but these are more suited to larger ponds rather than a bathtub, as they can take over the space.


One crucial point to remember: always use rainwater to fill your pond. Tap or mains water contains chemicals that can harm our sensitive frog friends. As the pond environment settles, you can expect croaking serenades to fill your garden evenings.

Creating a frog-friendly pond is a beautiful way to support local wildlife and foster a miniature ecosystem in your backyard. As frogs move in and the chorus begins, sit back and enjoy the satisfaction of your upcycled bathtub becoming a lively garden feature.

You can view our bathtub frog pond project tutorial on our Instagram page by clicking here.

Remember, even minor actions can contribute significantly to sustainability and biodiversity. So let’s get gardening!