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Ramping up Summer Seedlings

Is it just me, or are we all dreaming of summer? There is no denying it, winter is cold, but the days are getting longer and spring is coming. When the sun is shining, it warms the body, soul and the soil too and makes for a wonderful excuse to get out into the garden.

Have you started your summer planting yet? Now is the perfect time if you have a mini greenhouse. Start planting your summer seeds so that they will start to germinate and be planting ready. Seeds like your chilli’s, capsicums and eggplants could be to started as long as you have the ability to keep the soil warm to germinate the seeds, preferably in a hothouse..

At the moment – you could be planting out some of your leafy greens including; lettuce, rocket, spinach, spring onions, leeks, onions and parsley into your garden.

While you are preparing your seedlings for summer plantings, now is a good time to look at your spring planting beds that are being rested in Winter. They will benefit some TLC with some compost and applying a straw mulch so that they are ready for planting late next month.

If you are keen and eager to start your summer seedlings but don’t have the capacity to keep your soil warm with a heat pad or mini greenhouse, then covering your seeds with an old glass window frame – anything to keep the heat in and the frost out.

Happy gardening.

Stay safe
