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Strawberry Guava- Psidium cattleianum

As we are hitting the winter solstice, the garden has gone predominately dormant. However, the Edible Forest was designed to always have something harvestable at all times in all seasons. One of our best winter performers is the strawberry guava.

The strawberry guava is a hardy shrub to small tree originating from South America that will grow in most soil types in full to part shade. They are one type of fruit tree that will still produce fruit in shade, although preferring full sun. They can be frost tender so a sheltered position will help. We have them in the forest and the frost does not seem to cause them too much stress once establishedthat.

The red fruits are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants and can be eaten straight from the shrub for a winter snack.

We have made strawberry guava jelly for our cheese boards – it’s delicious!

A hardy shrub for our Victorian climate that can also be hedged and kept to a shape or treated as a winter accent tree in the garden. It’s usually available in most nurseries.