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Benefits of Olive Leaf Tea

Made from organic Olive Tree (olea europea) – the green leaves are quickly dried to maintain the health and enhancing properties of the leaf.

  • It is good for your heart, because it dilates coronary veins, increasing the blood flow and thus helping to regulate your heartbeat. It is no wonder that it may help to relieve arrhythmias.
  • Olive leaf tea is caffeine free. This means you will receive a boost of energy without the caffeine.
  • Having problems with your cholesterol level? This tea reduces levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), helping your heart to be beat to a much healthier rhythm.
  • Olive leaf extract has double the antioxidant capacity of green tea and four times the content of Vitamin C, that is why this tea is said to be an alternative to green tea.
  • Antioxidants present help fight free radicals from their action against your body, they are highly reactive chemical substances, that oxidized can cause cellular damage, so this tea is helpful for detoxification of your body of carcinogens and harmful chemicals.
  • This tea stimulates the immune system.
  • Olive leaf tea fights colds and flu.