Autumn Harvest

Autumn Harvest

Autumn and the Autumn Harvest is proving to be an interesting time in the garden this year. With the high levels of rainfall and low temperatures we saw throughout summer. The garden has been built using Hugelkultur methods therefore storing a lot of water and hardly drying out in some areas creating all sorts of

Cooking Classes to Be Healthy

Cooking Classes go hand in hand with the Edible Forest. Our Edible Forest is a hive of activity and growth all year round. Perhaps you are having the same experience with your garden. In every home garden we sometimes have far higher yields than we can utilise. This is where the process of Pickling and

Summer Harvest at The Edible Forest

Summer Harvesting

Summer is all about the harvest and finding ways to use all of your beautiful produce you have spent so much time planting and nurturing over the last season. Using what’s in your garden is not only delicious, it is also a smart way to keep nutrition in your diet and save you some money


Plant Sale – The sun is out, the soil is warming up and we have plenty of tomato and vegetable plants that are looking for there forever home. The Edible Forest plant nursery is open for you to visit Monday to Friday between 11am – 3pm and Saturdays between 1pm – 3pm. Order form is

Companion Planting in Spring

Plants are much like us – some of them get along really well, some don’t. By planting ‘friends’ together they help each other in all sorts of ways.  This is often referred to as companion planting. Companion planting is the growing of plants together so that they help each other grow better. The careful placement

Why Mulching is so important

Spring has finally sprung! Yes, we are just as excited as the plants are! The big question for right now is – Have you started mulching your garden? Perhaps you have started and finished already – well done, you have been working hard and your plants will thank you. If you haven’t started, that’s ok,