angelica plant edible

Angelica (Ashitaba)

This month I have chosen Angelica as edible plant of the month because it’s really beautiful at this time of year and has so many uses! Angelica also known as Ashitaba and the botanical name of Angelica archangelica is in the Apiaceae family. Also in this family is celery and I point this out as

yarra valley nursery spring flowers

Spring At The Edible Forest Nursery

The Edible Forest Nursery has been a new exciting addition to our forest for the past 18 months. Everything we sell is propagated on-site in our hothouse. Lots of preplanning and work goes into getting these plants out to the public and we do this as we recognized some of our plants are just not

edible plants australia

Edible Flowers Australia

One of our main functions as garden is to grow produce for the Yarra Valley Estate Wedding and Conference Centre. We just LOVE edible flowers. Being able to handpick a bucket of edible flowers before a wedding really sets us apart and is actually so easy! Spring is the best time for flower growing and

yarra valley berries

Yarra Valley Berries

Spring in the Edible Forest is all about berries. Some of the varieties we grow are: Tayberries Mulberries Currents (Red, Black, White) Logan berries Boysenberries June berries Saskatoon berries Blueberries Aronia berries Strawberries White strawberries Raspberries Josta berries Gooseberries The best time to visit the garden for berry tasting is in December and January and we

Autumn Harvest

Autumn Harvest

Autumn and the Autumn Harvest is proving to be an interesting time in the garden this year. With the high levels of rainfall and low temperatures we saw throughout summer. The garden has been built using Hugelkultur methods therefore storing a lot of water and hardly drying out in some areas creating all sorts of