Canna Lilies are Edible!

Canna Lilies are something you will find in lots of gardens, you possibly have them growing in your own garden and didn’t realise that the bulbs and roots are edible! In the Edible Forest, we grow 2 varieties, especially for their large bulbs; The Canna Lily Achira (canna edulis red) and the Queensland Arrowroot (canna edulis).

Spring Harvesting

Spring; the Garden is bursting with so much energy as it wakes up from hibernation. Here is a list of the next 3 months of what you can be harvesting at home! September The last of your winter vegetables (still great for soups) Leafy Greens will be still be going strong Pea straw will be

Ramping up Summer Seedlings

Is it just me, or are we all dreaming of summer? There is no denying it, winter is cold, but the days are getting longer and spring is coming. When the sun is shining, it warms the body, soul and the soil too and makes for a wonderful excuse to get out into the garden.